Inheriting culture and continuing to create history. Suiundo's work connects the culture inherited from ancient times to the new generation and creates a thousand-year culture.
Inheriting culture and continuing to create history. Suiundo's work connects the culture inherited from ancient times to the new generation and creates a thousand-year culture.


Temple architecture, Buddhist statue production, and Buddhist utensil production.
Suiundo has achieved work that harmonizes and integrates these three departments.
At the planning stage, we propose the optimal balance between architecture, Buddhist statues,
and majestic Buddhist fittings, and always pay close attention to details such as electrical outlets and lighting.

Suiundo's philosophy


株式会社翠雲堂 山口豊|KENJA GLOBAL(賢者グローバル)
日経 MyLoad 未来の日本へ リーダーたちのメッセージ 山口豊 | 株式会社翠雲堂
ユネスコ無形文化遺産としての社寺建築 社寺建築という伝統文化を最先端デジタルで継承する
お寺の全てを創る翠雲堂 300年後、自分の創った仕事を見たい
ニッポン放送 竹内由恵のT-Times 文化を継承し、歴史を創り続ける ユネスコ世界文化遺産の仕事 社寺建築と仏具製作をトータルに行う

Initiatives for SDGs

1000s of years of culture will continue into the future

Head temple of Shingon sect Toyozan sect Gokokuji Temple Annex
Tsukuba Omido

社寺建築 翠雲堂 大本山護国寺別院筑波山大御堂 本堂・客殿等 設計・施工

Introduction to Suiundo Aomori Factory

紹介動画 見立寺様(浄土宗・埼玉県川越市)本堂屋根改修工事

Suiundo NEWS

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Ability to surpass general contractors

Why choose Suiundo ?

Click here for details

検 索



寺院仏具 寺院仏具

Temple Buddhist utensils




Factory introduction

At the Matsudo factory, craftsmen and craftsmen work in areas such as architecture, woodwork, and painting, producing shrines and temples, Buddhist utensils, and Buddhist statues.
The Aomori factory has a stockpile of precious woods, including Aomori Hiba, and also produces lumber.


Matsudo factory


Aomori factory

Click here for details

Exhibition hall

In Suiundo's business of architecture and the production of Buddhist altar fittings, we place emphasis on preserving, handing down, and handing down traditional crafts such as woodwork, metalwork, and lacquerwork . Currently, in the Suiundo showroom, we are collecting works (Buddhist utensils, etc.) by traditional craftsmen so that you can see the masterpieces of craftsmanship. In consideration of the spread of coronavirus infection, we are taking measures to avoid the Three Cs, and we ask that you contact us in advance if you plan to visit .

Click here for details




Examples of shrine and temple construction construction

see next

Example of temple fittings production

see next

Example of Buddhist statue production

see next
